We are excited to announce updates to our Python libraries. The icoscp and icoscp_core libraries have been updated to new versions,
and icoscp_stilt has been separated into its own standalone library.

Help us make our Jupyter service even better. Share your thoughts in a quick feedback survey. Thanks for your help!


Sign in to Exploredata

This is a service from the ICOS Carbon Portal to showcase how Python Notebooks with Jupyter can be used to access the ICOS data products. The password required to access this service is provided when you attend one of our webinars or you can request it here. Please read our documentation. Once you login, you will find the following structure with examples to play with:

  • Education: includes notebooks that use ICOS data to introduce students to basic principles of climate science and programming
  • ICOS Jupyter Notebooks: contains notebooks processing and presenting ICOS data in interactive visualizations
  • Introduction: contains notebooks that quickly introduce the fundamental principles of Python programming
  • Project-specific Jupyter Notebooks: includes notebooks presenting the scientific output of ICOS projects
  • pylib_examples: includes notebooks with examples on using our 'icoscp' python library to access ICOS data
    Source: https://github.com/ICOS-Carbon-Portal/pylib/
    Documentation https://icos-carbon-portal.github.io/pylib/

Please be aware, that this service is restricted. We allow only a limited amount of users to login and data is not persistent. After inactivity, you will be logged out automatically. If you want to save a file you have created/changed, you need to download the file to your computer.

If you are interested in using our Jupyter Notebook Service to do research with ICOS data and elaborated products, please apply for a personal account. Project folders (collaboration space) allow groups of users to have a shared space which is only visible to the members of the group. Apply for collaborative space.
If you have a general question, email us to jupyter-info (at) icos-ri.eu .

If you would like to explore the examples on your own computer, everything is public available on Github. More information and documentation about our Jupyter Services can be found at https://icos-carbon-portal.github.io/jupyter/.